Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We left my parents house at 4:00 a.m. this morning to be in Tyler at 5:30 to check in for Braden's ear surgery. We got checked in and they put a bracelet on her ankle. We had to make a big deal about it! Then they took us back to get prepped. She did so good, until the nurse couldn't get her blood pressure. After that, she put her gown on and was ready to go. Of course, she didn't really know what was happening. They brought her some medicine that made her quite drunk, she was so funny. My Uncle Johnny came over to be with us, and she was just really telling him a story. The surgery lasted about 10 minutes and it was done. She was a little mad when she woke up, really didn't know what had happened and why she felt like she did. She cried for about 20-30 minutes and then was ready to go. She ate a biscuit and drank milk on the way home and has been great ever since. Hopefully this will help. Boy is Mom glad it's over! I was a nervous wreck!

The bracelet - about 5:45 a.m.

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